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來源:威久留學     責任編輯:留學專家    瀏覽:2359次



WORLD RANK   UNIVERSITY   SIZE  visibility  rich files  scholar             
65 Utrecht University  79  118  77  32 
84 University of Amsterdam  78  133  81  147 
102 University of Groningen  81  171  181  41 
135 Delft University of Technology   75  211  259  95 
148 University of Twente  86  200  255  173 
172 Leiden University  281  199  321  81 
174 Eindhoven University of Technology  215  237  215  154 
182 Free University of Amsterdam   157  308  184  91 
283 Radboud University Nijmegen  366  235  392  539 
403 Erasmus University Rotterdam  406  565  591  45 
483 Tilburg University  475  583  875  323 
542 Wageningen University & Research Centre (Note 27)  368  628  1,491  89 
550 Maastricht University  889  646  559  326 
1075 Open University of the Netherlands  1,865  1,135  1,416  663 
1342 Utrecht School of the Arts  1,077  955  2,230  3,485 
1520 University of Professional Education Fontys  965  1,255  1,469  4,781 

1518 China Center for Economic Research Peking University   2,079  1,553  2,553  1,212 
1574 University of Professional Education Rotterdam  1,487  1,223  2,111  3,958 
1620 University of Professional Education Amsterdam  2,443  1,608  1,766  2,218 
1649 University of Professional Education Utrecht  2,956  945  2,836  2,926 
1845 Northern University of Professional Education of Leeuwarden   1,520  1,705  3,043  3,906 
2325 Institute of Social Studies the Hague   3,202  2,716  3,257  1,641 
2426 University of Professional Education Groningen   3,707  1,392  3,182  6,215 
2526 University of Professional Education Arnhem and Nijmegen   3,154  2,722  3,168  3,413 
2564 Inholland University   929  2,476  5,598  5,075 
3018 Saxion Universities of Professional Education   1,473  3,337  3,652  6,568 
3351 Nyenrode Business University   4,390  3,341  6,651  2,055 
3574 Ede Christian University of Professional Education Communication Studies   4,732  2,828  4,821  6,568 
3624 Windesheim University of Professional Education   1,745  3,873  6,286  5,918 
3625 Tiasnimbas Business School   6,291  793  7,708  8,712 
3750 University of Professional Education Zuyd   4,893  4,606  2,611  3,596 
3789 RSM Erasmus University   3,479  2,838  9,553  4,721 
3794 University of Professional Education Markus Verbeek   4,729  2,817  5,255  7,466 
3827 Amsterdam School of the Arts   6,229  3,432  4,895  4,037 
3839 Avans University of Professional Education   2,017  4,427  4,845  6,423 
3864 Institute for Water Education   5,743  3,707  5,877  2,986 
4003 Wageningen University   4,157  3,516  5,962  6,568 
4010 Christian University of Professional Education of North Netherland   3,309  3,165  7,406  7,466 
4045 University of Professional Education the Hague   5,996  2,602  7,364  6,030 
4167 Royal Academy of Music and Dance   3,814  4,571  5,374  5,056 
4418 Loi Distance Education   3,221  2,321  11,457  8,712 
4481 Schouten en Nelissen   7,145  2,140  10,121  5,803 
4483 Royal Academy of Art the Hague   4,179  3,790  7,960  6,423 
4585 Rotterdam University of Professional Education   3,802  5,238  4,922  5,693 
4614 University for Humanistics   4,091  5,191  6,652  3,888 
4764 NTI Distance Education   6,231  841  14,439  8,712 
4827 Constantijn Huygens School of Arts   5,183  4,424  5,507  7,466 



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