????λ??? ??? >> ??????У
???? ???? ?У???? ?У??? ????????
Oxford Brooks University
??? ????
University of Hertfordshire
??? ????
?????????У??????????????У?? ?????????????????????????
??? ????????????? ????У??
School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS), University of London
??? ????
  ?????????? ????У??
University College London (UCL)
??? ????
?????? ?????????????????? ????У??
University of London, Royal Holloway
??? ????

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University of London, Goldsmiths College

??? ????
????? ????????????????????????У??
Glasgow International College
??? ????
  ??????д????? ????У??
University of Bristol
??? ????
University of Southampton
??? ????
  л????′????? ????У??
Sheffield International College
??? ????
  ???????????????? ????У??
Nottingham Trent International College
??? ????
  ??????????? ????У??
Liverpool International College
??? ????
  ???????????? ????У??
Newcastle University
??? ????
  ??????????????? ????У??
University of East Anglia
??? ????
  ????????????? ????У??
University of Exeter
??? ????
  ?????????? ????У??
Leicester University
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  ???????????? ????У??
Lancaster University
??? ????
  ??? ??? ??? ??
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