Sheffield Hallam University International Achievement Scholarship
來源: 點擊數(shù): 錄入時間:07-03-15 13:55:03

Sheffield Hallam University International Achievement Scholarship
Further to the latest agent newsletter which you've recently received, I'm just writing to bring to your attention the new scholarships which we have announced. 
We have 30 new International Achievement Scholarships available for students starting their studies in September 2006, in the 2006/07 academic year. 
These scholarships are to encourage highly qualified graduates to follow a full-time postgraduate taught programme at Sheffield Hallam University. 
There are 6 scholarships available to students from China.
The value of the scholarship is £1,000 which will be presented to the successful candidates in the form of a cheque at an awards ceremony in October 2006. 
All full-time postgraduate taught courses at the University are taking part in the scheme.
To be eligible to be considered for the SHU International Achievement Scholarship:
* candidates must be nationals of one of the following countries: China, Greece, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand
* candidates must have achieved, or be expecting to achieve, a good undergraduate degree from a recognised Higher Education Institution
* candidates must have achieved an IELTS score of at least 6.5 or equivalent
* candidates must enrol as full-time postgraduate students of Sheffield Hallam University in September 2006 (in the UK)
Applications for the SHU International Achievement Scholarship should be made with, or following, an application for a postgraduate taught course at Sheffield Hallam University using the application form available on our website at The deadline for applying for the scholarship for the 2006/07 academic year is 30 June 2006 and scholarships will be awarded on the decision of a panel of University representatives.
Can you please ensure that any prospective applicants as well as any students who have already applied for a postgraduate taught course with Sheffield Hallam for September 2006 entry are made aware of these scholarships.
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