來源: 點(diǎn)擊數(shù): 錄入時(shí)間:07-12-26 11:10:50


What is two academic years?
To demonstrate that you have studied for at least two academic years, you must show that you have completed the equivalent of two years study at 100% of a full-time load. If you are given credit from prior learning it will reduce the amount of study you have completed.

The department will use CRICOS to determine whether a course meets the two year requirement. From 22 October 2007 a course that has a registered duration of 92 weeks will be accepted as a course equating to two academic years of study.

? If a student completes a full qualification in a course that is registered as 92 weeks, they will have met the two year study requirement.
? Where a student completes two eligible qualifications, each related to their nominated occupation, that together total at least 92 weeks registration on CRICOS, they will have met the two year study requirement.
? Where a student enrols in a three year full time course, they can be granted recognition of prior learning or credit for up to one year of full-time study and still meet the two year study requirement (as defined above) when they complete the qualification.
? Where a course is CRICOS registered for 92 weeks a student enrolled in this course who is given any credit for prior learning will not have completed two academic years of study. In this situation, the applicant would need to have (or complete) an additional eligible qualification related to their nominated occupation in order to have completed, in total, the required two years of academic study.
? If a course is CRICOS registered for 92 weeks but a student elects to complete the course through accelerated learning, for example through a summer semester of study, the student is considered to have met the two year study requirement if they complete the course in no less than 16 calendar months.
? If a student enrols in a course that would only require 1.5 years to complete full-time but has taken two years to complete, this will not have met the requirement for two years of academic study.


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