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Best Professors

http://360oud.cn 發(fā)表于:10-01-22 16:15:52 瀏覽: 10429 來源:

1、Harvard University|Harvard Business School |Boston, MA

2、University of Virginia|Darden Graduate School of Business Administration |Charlottesville, VA

3、University of Michigan―Ann Arbor|Stephen M. Ross School of Business |Ann Arbor, MI

4、University of California―Berkeley|Haas School of Business |Berkeley, CA

5、Brigham Young University |Marriott School of Management |Provo, UT

6、Indiana University―Bloomington|Kelley School of Business |Bloomington, IN

7、College of William and Mary|The Mason School of Business |Williamsburg, VA

8、The University of Texas at Austin|McCombs School of Business |Austin, TX

9、The Pennsylvania State University|The Mary Jean and Frank P Smeal College of Bus |University Park, PA

10、University of Richmond|Robins School of Business |University of Richmond, VA

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