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http://360oud.cn 發(fā)表于:10-01-04 09:53:43 瀏覽: 10429 來源:

  英國大使館文化教育處教育推廣總監(jiān)吳媛媛女士說:“英國留學對于中國學生的價值已變得越來越顯著?!?BR>  “有這樣一句格言‘英國教育教會學生如何思考,而不是思考什么”。在當今瞬息萬變的世界,具備全球溝通和企業(yè)家思維能力的學生是非常受歡迎的。這也正是英國教育所能提供的價值和好處。
  英國邊境管理署的國際事務主任 Barbara Woodward (芭芭拉•伍德沃德)說:“英國邊境管理署旨在為真正的國際學生提供優(yōu)良的服務,并將盡力簡化和便捷簽證的申請過程。
  “所有的學生申請和被許可的教育機構將會不斷受到檢查和監(jiān)督,以確保他們達到計點積分制簽證系統(tǒng)所要求的標準。一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)任何濫用系統(tǒng)的行為,英國邊境管理署將迅速采取行動?!薄 ?BR>  UK student visa applications increased 40% in 2009
  Reflects strong demand and value for UK education among Chinese students
  A British qualification continues to be in strong demand from record numbers of high quality Chinese students according to new figures released by the UK body responsible for issuing visas.
  Between April and September 2009, the UK Border Agency issued a record 32,854 visas to Chinese nationals wanting to study in the UK. This represents an increase of 40% on 2008 and continues the year on year growth in the numbers of high quality students from China that want to study in the UK.
  The UK introduced a new visa system in March 2009 and since then continual improvements to the system have increased transparency and fairness for Chinese students. Students can know clearly in advance if their application is likely to be successful before they apply. This has helped increase the issue rate for student visas in China to 92%.
  In addition, further measures to streamline the system will be announced in February, bringing greater convenience and efficiency to the application process. However, applicants who use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information will still be refused and may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years.
  The sharp increase in student visas provides clear proof of the strong demand for British qualifications among Chinese students. As one of the world’s major centres for academic excellence and innovation, British qualifications are renowned for their strong academic foundations. Yet at the same time, strong links between education and industry mean that courses of study also focus on developing students with strong thinking and entrepreneurship skills.
  Moreover, as a multicultural and fully international society, study in Britain offers exposure to cross-cultural communications and the development of global perspectives. Such experience equips students with skills and knowledge applicable anywhere in the world, fully realising the potential of every student to contribute to the economic and social benefit of their communities.
  With more and more students recognising the benefits of a British qualification, British education promotion officials in China are also increasing their services to help Chinese students maximise the opportunities open to them. On 7 March 2010, career development workshops will be held around China examining job prospects for UK alumni in the growing Chinese economy. Covering topics such as the job market, career planning, and re-orientation after graduation, the workshops are one of many support services offered to Chinese students before, during and after studying in the UK.
  Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy Director for Education Marketing Jazreel Goh said:
   “The value of a British qualification is becoming more and more evident to Chinese students.”
  “A maxim has it that ‘British education teaches students how to think, not what to think’. In today’s rapidly changing world, graduates with global communications and entrepreneurial thinking skills are highly sought after. This is precisely the value and benefit a British qualification can provide.
  “The UK welcomes international students And Chinese students are amongst the top academic performers and contribute greatly to scholarly exchange and academic research.”
  UK Border Agency International Director Barbara Woodward said:
  "The UK Border Agency aims to offer excellent service and make the process of applying for a visa as straightforward as possible for genuine international students.
  “The points based system ensures that only those colleges and schools who provide quality education and take responsibility for their students are licensed to bring in foreign students.
  “All student applications and licensed educational institutions are continually checked and monitored to ensure that they meet the required standards set by the Points Based System. Where any abuse of the system is detected, the UK Border Agency will take swift action.” 













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